Roscosmoe Lab at Cinemas & Sciences symposium

9 – 10 September 2022, Jeu de Paume, Paris (FR)

Roscosmoe Lab at Cinemas & Sciences symposium

Détail de la queue de crevette en croisillon 1929. Tirage gélatino-argentique d'époque. Collection Fonds photographique Bouqueret-Rémy © Les Documents Cinématographiques / Archives Jean Painlevé. Jean Painlevé assisté d'Eli lotar

Ewen Chardronnet & Maya Minder presented Roscosmoe and Homo Photosyntheticus labs at the symposium Cinémas et Sciences at the Jeu de Paume, Paris (FR)

As part of the exhibition Jean Painlevé. Les pieds dans l'eau, the Jeu de Paume is joining forces with the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers to organize two days of study on the relationship between cinema and science. Scientific cinema, cinema made with and for scientists, contemporary cinematographic experiments, during these days we propose a historical journey that will reveal the intersections of these two fields, through the interventions of specialists in cinema studies, science studies and artists.